Posts tagged "Transition"

We moved to Cloche d’Or!

January 25th, 2023 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “We moved to Cloche d’Or!”

Cloche d’Or does ring a bell? Our new address is: 12, Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg (3e étage – Bâtiment Degroof Petercam).

It has been a month in our new location and we are settled in wonderfully in the neighbourhood of the Golden Bell.

Bibiche likes her new home

Our conference room is set up for hopefully many visitors. Say hi to Bibiche while you there!

Contact us to discuss your financial communication needs

Prisma Growth Strategies – March

March 16th, 2022 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Prisma Growth Strategies – March”

We love to see you grow. Below you will find our Prisma Growth Strategies for the month of March:

The Eisenhower matrix

An old, but very effective time management tool.
All you have to do is categorise your task on your to do list.

Is it Urgent and Important? – Do it now.
Is it Not Urgent and Important? – Schedule time for the task.
Is it Not Important and urgent? – Delegate the task.
Is it Not Important and Not Urgent? – Remove the task from you current to do list.

Do you need help with project management? Contact us to find out how we can help

Ambient sounds

Can you focus on your tasks with ambient sounds?

Have you heard about ambient sounds, white noise or focus music? They can help foster your concentration when working or studying.

The sound of music vs the sound of silence. What do you prefer?

Headphones on books - Prisma Growth Strategies: Ambient sounds

The Walt Disney method

Did you know you can improve creative thinking for yourself and co-workers? The Walt Disney method is all about different perspectives.

Step 1 – The Dreamer
Generate the greatest, most absurd ideas you can think of. No filters or negativities are allowed.

Step 2 – The Realist
Look at your ideas from step 1. Think about how your visions can become a reality

Step 3 – The Critic
Now it is time to possibly be a pessimist. You need to evaluate how feasible your ideas are; and list what could go wrong when implementing the ideas.

If you want to go all the way with this method, change rooms for each step. Choose the nicest room for the dreamer phase.

Stay tuned for more growth strategies by Prisma!

Work-From-Home: lessons learned from the Prisma Team Part III

October 27th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Work-From-Home: lessons learned from the Prisma Team Part III”

Where are we more effective? How to boost your productivity? From home or in the office? The Prisma team found new strategies to work smarter in the last months.

Work-From-Home lessons: productivity

  • Certain tasks I find easier to do in the office, especially when more people are involved. I have noticed that all “over the counter talks” are missing which happen when you are in the office. Now, we have to organise more web meetings to discuss certain tasks
  • We save a lot of time with web meetings vs official provider / client meetings. Furthermore, with all these web meetings, I find that people are a lot more effective and go straight to the point rather than doing some small talk
  • I like listening to Indie music or the Folklore album by Taylor Swift album while working
  • It is very important for me to get “office dressed” when working from home so that I am in an official working mode
  • Work related communication is quicker in the office since questions can be discussed immediately.
Our productivity hacks while working from home: tea, green views, clear deks
  • Being organised is key, especially working partly from home and partly in the office.
  • When busy with a lot of projects, I find it easier to focus and concentrate when working at home.
  • We are more flexible with projects at home compared to the office, especially when you still need to send out some projects late in the evening.
  • I like being able to listen to music whilst working.
  • You learn the importance of communication, it’s easy to forget to notify someone when you’re used to discussing minor things in the office.
  • When working from home it is easier to stay focused as it is quieter.
  • I felt that the communication in general has changed. There are more meetings and conference calls than before.
  • Not everything / everyone needs an immediate reaction from me if it is not an urgent matter.

Read here about our lessons on self-care and here about our lessons on hobbies and socialising.

Work-From-Home: lessons learned from the Prisma Team Part II

October 20th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Work-From-Home: lessons learned from the Prisma Team Part II”

Friends, family, and colleagues – Social distancing made us appreciate the people in our lives even more. The Prisma team members want to share their perspective on hobbies and socialising while working from home.

Work-From-Home lessons: hobbies and socialising

  • We have more time to spend with our loved ones since we do not have to commute to/from work when working from home.
  • I miss the office socialising during the “working from home” days.
  • My private life matters – I want to arrange more time for personal interests, physical activities and enough time to look after myself.
  • In general, when you leave the office in the evening, you switch to your private time. When working from home, you are tempted to work longer.
Prisma Luxembourg Work-From-Home lessons: hobbies and socialising - Nature, walks, reading
  • You miss out on socialising, especially in these days when you don’t see friends or family as much.
  • The team atmosphere is different when you see all people in the office and can speak to them face to face.
  • Socialising also includes meeting friends and other contacts during lunch breaks which was not always possible last year.
  • Supporting others (local restaurants, local shops or even neighbours / people in need) during difficult times gives me a sense of purpose and satisfaction. A lady in our neighbourhood once told me that “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone” (Ronald Reagan).
  • You gain hours a week not having to commute to work. More personal time is always a bonus.
  • I am more motivated to get ready for training with my sports team.
  • It is easy to use online team meetings to catch up.

Read here about our lessons on self-care and here about our lessons on productivity.

Work-From-Home: lessons learned from the Prisma Team Part I

October 13th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Work-From-Home: lessons learned from the Prisma Team Part I”

How to separate work and private life when working from home? See how the Prisma team dealt with new morning or evening rituals, productivity, and work habits in our upcoming series.

Work from home has been a challenge to some and a blessing to others. Here are new strategies we have learned and things we discovered about ourselves.

Work-From-Home lessons: self-care

Self-care is important when working from home and working in the office. Maybe due to the new developments, self-care has risen on the priority list for many people.

  • Stretching is great, especially when you do not move a lot during the day.
  • Doing a YouTube work-out instead of commuting, is a lot better than a traffic jam
  • Tidying the work area when done, signals that this part of the day is finished.
  • Adult colouring books sound silly but are a great tool to practice mindfulness.
  • Having a separate office space at home keeps work and private life separated (I have changed our guest room into an “office” where I can work quietly and in peace. The view to the field where the cows are, is also quite relaxing).
  • The importance of eating healthy. It’s easier to eat fresh when you’re home compared to getting a quick takeaway lunch.
Work-from-home images from the Prisma S.A. Luxembourg team: work-out, meal preparation, colouring book
  • Instead of being stuck in the traffic jam which usually leads to a stressful start into the day, I take a 1–2-hour morning walk in the forest with my dog. The walk reduces my stress level and allows me to get fresh air before the workday starts.
  • I learned to make every single day during the week interesting and enjoyable.
  • I became more mindful about my surroundings. Nothing is permanent in this world, and everything is only temporary. Therefore, I try to appreciate even the smallest things and no longer take everything / everybody for grant

Stay tuned for part II and III!

Read here about our lessons on hobbies and socialising and here about our lessons on productivity.

Cheers to 15 Years! Here are 15 facts about Prisma – Part 2

September 21st, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Cheers to 15 Years! Here are 15 facts about Prisma – Part 2”

Celebrate 15 years of Prisma Luxembourg S.A and get to know more about Prisma with part 2 of our 15 facts series.

Fact #8

If we would visit each client around the globe it would take us 36,956.57 km to do so. Our furthest client away is in Singapore (10,000km).

Fact 8: 36,956,57 km - 15 Facts about Prisma Luxembourg S.A.

Fact #9!

Starting in 2006 with our very first prospectus production, we have now produced more than 2,340 for many different clients. Our aim is to always deliver a top-quality service in a reasonable time.


Giving is not just about making a donation, but rather about making a difference. We’ve donated over 22,500 EUR and have worked closely with 17 different charities over the years. We support great causes and give back where and when we can.

Fact #11!

From all walks of life, from all the languages we speak, sometimes it’s hard to communicate. Prisma has translated over 7,800 documents to help you communicate better. Find out more today at or simply call us and talk to us about your needs.

Fact #12!

Our biggest report has over 1,000 pages (1,200 in the meantime…).

The Prisma project managers guide you through the projects, coordinate any required translations, keep track of deadlines and keep you updated at all times.

Do you have a large document that we could you help you with? Check out to see our full service overview.


In our office we speak on average an amazing 4.3 languages per person. How many languages do you speak?

Parla inglese? Oder deutsch? Lëtzebuergesch? Ou peut-être français? Nederlands? We’d love hearing from you.

Fact #14

For 7 years, we are labelled a SuperDrecksKëscht. At Prisma, we want to do our part in preserving the environment. We recycle, use fair trade products and green energy in the office. We reduce our waste to a minimum and only print on paper when it’s really needed. Every little step helps.

Are you still looking for a partner to implement new ESG and SFDR updates? Our team is only an email away.

Fact #15!

To end our 15 Facts about Prisma, we’ve decided on something that is important to us: our relationship with our clients.

Our very first client, over 15 years, is still our client today.

We are grateful for each one of our clients, who we all have a healthy business relationship, as well as a friendship with.

What a ride it has been! We are ready for the next 15 years with you. Thank you for your trust in us.

Find fact 1 to 7 in part 1!

Cheers to 15 Years! Here are 15 facts about Prisma – Part 1

August 11th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Cheers to 15 Years! Here are 15 facts about Prisma – Part 1”

Prisma is 15 years old. To mark our Crystal Anniversary, we’ve decided to share 15 facts about Prisma which you may not know.

Fact #1

In 15 years, Prisma has translated over 45,000,000 words (from every language into every language).

Your message should be heard across the world, so if you need any help with your translations, let us know how we can help. Find out more about our services.

Fact #2!

In 2006, our very first project consisted of typesetting and translating a legal prospectus and as well as the letters, proxies and notices for a shareholder mailing.

A huge step in making what Prisma is and became, as we’re still creating these same documents for the same client today!

Fact #3

Since 2006, we have successfully completed over 14,500 projects! To our team and our clients we’ve worked with these past years, we want to express our gratitude and our thanks, without whom this wouldn’t have been possible.

Fact #4!

Knowledge comes from all corners of the world. Our team members come from all over the world and have lived in many different countries, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and experience to our Luxembourg Office.

Fact 4 of 15 facts about Prisma Luxembourg S.A.: Team members have lived in Luxembourg, Germany, France, Belgium, England, Ireland, Scotland and the Philippines.
The Prisma Team has lived in many different countries around the world

Fact #5!

We have helped our clients produce over 930 Financial Report and Accounts, in over 15 different languages.

Fact #6!

Don’t look into your neighbours’ plate to see if he has more than you, look over only to see if he needs more.

We believe in helping those in need and have worked closely with 17 different charities since we began. Charity starts right here! See more on our corporate social responsibility.

Fact #7!

In the Prisma office alone we speak 9 languages! When dealing with clients and translators from all over the world, this is one, although by far the only one, of our top qualities when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Go to part 2 for Facts 8 – 15.

Happy New Year – the Year of the Ox

February 12th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Happy New Year – the Year of the Ox”

Happy Chinese New Year to all our clients, partners and friends!

“The year of the Metal Ox brings career advancement, success in business, prosperity, and wellness for all zodiac signs. The Ox year of 2021 is under the influence of the metal element, just like the Year of the Rat 2020. This year predicts new career opportunities.”

Coping with change

January 25th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Coping with change”

We all have this picture in our head as to how our lives should be. And yet the reality of the situation might vary from what we’d imagined.

Life currently teaches us that we must remain open to any eventualities, have a contingency plan and adapt our actions.

How exciting! Throw all the perfectly planned layout over board and start drafting a new one.

As T. Roosevelt said: “A Smooth Sea Never Made A Skilled Sailor”.

Motivational motto: What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be.

The Jar of positive and happy things

January 6th, 2021 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “The Jar of positive and happy things”

Every year we fill an empty jar with notes of all the good, positive and happy things, that happened to us during the year.

On 1 January we empty the jar and read out loud all these wonderful moments which we are grateful for. 2020 was no different and today we discovered all the amazing stuff that happened to us during an unusual year.


Prisma S.A. Luxembourg - Positivity from 2020

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