Prisma Growth Strategies – The Eisenhower method 

August 2nd, 2023 Prisma

Our day-to-day is full of decision making. As experienced project managers, we need to concentrate on tasks that have the biggest impact on the project outcome. This is when time-management tools come in handy. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States with a good sense for time management. His well-known matrix (or Eisenhower method) gives you a clear overview of important/ urgent tasks.

How does the Eisenhower method work?

The Eisenhower matrix has 4 categories, and you will need to determine how urgent or important each task is:

  1. urgent and important:

These tasks require immediate action and have a direct impact on short-term goals.

  1. important – not urgent:

Do not neglect your long-term goals in this category. These tasks may become urgent in the future.

  1. urgent – not important:

Don’t get easily distracted by minor tasks that seem urgent. Especially, if they do not contribute directly to your goals. Minimise your time spent on these tasks or delegate them.

  1. not urgent – not important:

Ask yourself: Are these tasks worth your time or can they be ignored? Whatever the answer, don’t spend so much thought and time on minor to-dos.

Gold scale in front of a colourful background. The Eisenhower Method helps you find your balance.

What does this mean?

The Eisenhower method helps you to efficiently rank your tasks. Concentrate first on category 1 tasks (urgent and important) and check in regularly with category 2 tasks (important – not urgent).

Short-term and long-term goals sorted out: The Eisenhower matrix helps you keep an overview of all your key objectives. By using the method, you will learn how to prioritise your time.

Just one more tip: Be honest on what “important” means. Urgent is usually easy to determine. However, perfectionists tend to classify everything as important and forget to delegate.

Trust us! We know a thing or two (and probably more) about scheduling large projects (Financial reports, prospectus updates, etc.). Explore our services here.

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