Monthly Archives: March, 2022

Be yourself

March 23rd, 2022 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Be yourself”

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” (Oscar Wilde)

It is always better to live your life in your own way even if it is not perfect, instead of worrying about the expectations that others have of you.

For us at Prisma this means providing high-quality services, and being a trustworthy partner for all our financial communication needs.

We value respect, flexibility, integrity and reliability.

Believe in yourself

Prisma Growth Strategies – March

March 16th, 2022 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Prisma Growth Strategies – March”

We love to see you grow. Below you will find our Prisma Growth Strategies for the month of March:

The Eisenhower matrix

An old, but very effective time management tool.
All you have to do is categorise your task on your to do list.

Is it Urgent and Important? – Do it now.
Is it Not Urgent and Important? – Schedule time for the task.
Is it Not Important and urgent? – Delegate the task.
Is it Not Important and Not Urgent? – Remove the task from you current to do list.

Do you need help with project management? Contact us to find out how we can help

Ambient sounds

Can you focus on your tasks with ambient sounds?

Have you heard about ambient sounds, white noise or focus music? They can help foster your concentration when working or studying.

The sound of music vs the sound of silence. What do you prefer?

Headphones on books - Prisma Growth Strategies: Ambient sounds

The Walt Disney method

Did you know you can improve creative thinking for yourself and co-workers? The Walt Disney method is all about different perspectives.

Step 1 – The Dreamer
Generate the greatest, most absurd ideas you can think of. No filters or negativities are allowed.

Step 2 – The Realist
Look at your ideas from step 1. Think about how your visions can become a reality

Step 3 – The Critic
Now it is time to possibly be a pessimist. You need to evaluate how feasible your ideas are; and list what could go wrong when implementing the ideas.

If you want to go all the way with this method, change rooms for each step. Choose the nicest room for the dreamer phase.

Stay tuned for more growth strategies by Prisma!

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