Posts by IT@Prisma

13 years of Prisma

April 16th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “13 years of Prisma”

Is one born as an entrepreneur? I am not sure. Nothing in my family background paved the way for me to become one, far from it actually.

When, in 2006, it was clear that I wanted to set-up my own company, I grasped the first opportunity, forgot about my fears and jumped in. However I must say that nobody in my family or my group of friends thought it was a good idea (well apart for 2), so I was very much on my own.

To me, the difference between a manager and a business founder is the passion and the love for what you have you created. When you found a company you put all your heart and soul into in.

Entrepreneurship is very fast so for the first years whilst you surf on the wave of success in-between all the struggles, you don’t really have time to sit down and look back. This happens only later when you take a step back.

Today I can say that my slogan from 2006 is still valid valid today “Don’t dream of success, work for it”.

Mir gin klibberen

April 15th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Mir gin klibberen”

Have you seen the signs on the side of the road showing cartoon children saying „Mir gin klibberen”?

“Klibberen” means “to rattle” or “to clatter”.

Between Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday, the children (in general they are altar boys) walk the streets of their village, clattering their rapers 3 times a day; morning “d’Muergesklack laut”, lunch time “d’Mettesklack laut” and in the evening “d’Owesklack laut”.

With this sound, the children replace the church bells during 4 days, as the church bells have gone to Rome to confess their sins….

Prisma S.A. supports RCL

April 4th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Prisma S.A. supports RCL”

BUNDESLIGA RUGBY in Luxembourg this weekend!

Rugby Club Luxembourg vs RK Heusenstamm

3 pm on Saturday, March 23, 2019, Stade Boy Konen

BBQ and drinks

No entrance fee. Come and support your local team !


March 29th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “SuperDrecksKëscht”

We save water and drink champagne.
Our electricity power supply is from 100% renewable energy sources.
We keep paper consumption to a minimum. If a document has to be printed, we print double sided or multiple pages per page.
We have several recycling containers in the office and sort our waste with the goal to create as little rubbish as possible.


March 29th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Bretzelsonndeg”

🥨 This coming Sunday is Bretzelsonndeg (Pretzel Sunday) or also called Halleffaaschtensonndeg in Luxembourg. This tradition is celebrated half through the Lent Season, 20 days before Easter.

💕 The custom is that the boy offers a pretzel to the girl who he has an eye on.

🥚 In case the girl is interested she will offer him a Chocolate Egg in return, on Easter Sunday. (which gives her 20 days to consider and decide…)

🤓 Until the beginning or the middle of the 20th century this was a local custom mainly celebrated around the rivers Moselle and Sûre. Nowadays it is the fashion in the whole of the country. Long long time ago, the tradition even imposed on couples, who had married during the previous year, to offer a pretzel to all the guests who had managed to receive a part of the bride’s garter… or so they say……

🥨 We celebrate Bretzelsonndeg already today in the office… Gudden Appetitt!

Learning from mistakes

March 28th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Learning from mistakes”

“As a boss I am no longer necessarily the one who has the greatest expertise. I am fully aware that I don’t know everything. I have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else….
Learning from mistakes is only possible if you can admit that you have made them. It is the job of a boss / manger to create a culture of trust in which this is possible.” – Prisma S.A. CEO Carole Miltgen at a recent event.

Client feedback 21 March 2019

March 21st, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Client feedback 21 March 2019”

“I just wanted to let you know that I decided to pursue other opportunities. It has been a pleasure to work with your team. I want to thank you very much for your support, flexibility, hard work and kindness. I will definitely recommend Prisma whenever I can!” – Thank you for the feedback, wonderful client. You will be thoroughly missed but we wish you all the very best in your new role. We’re sure our paths will cross again.

Client feedback 15 March 2019

March 15th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Client feedback 15 March 2019”

Great feedback from our wonderful clients for the team: “Thank you so much for providing the translation; this was very kind of you and super helpful – it made my day receiving it so early. Thank you again for your kind assistance and wonderful customer service” – You made our day too 😃🙏

Client feedback 14 March 2019

March 14th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “Client feedback 14 March 2019”

It’s so gratifying for the whole team to receive this kind of message from our wonderful clients: 😃🙏
“Thank you so much for all your help to achieve this.
Always a pleasure.
Thanks to all!”

International Women’s Day

March 8th, 2019 Posted by Prisma 0 thoughts on “International Women’s Day”

Today’s breakfast theme was “International Women’s Day” (remember we celebrate E V E R Y T H I N G) 🥂. For all the fantastic women out there, who we celebrate today, I’d like to copy an extract of an interview that Angela Merkel recently gave to the NYT “Ms Merkel drew a distinction between herself and those she considers real feminists – those who fought all their lives for women’s rights – and people like herself who merely had to find their way to contribute.” Thank you to all the women who fought for our rights. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the universal right to vote and stand in elections in Luxembourg 😃

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